April 11, 2018

Second Miller and Carter Newbuild in Newcastle

Following the success of the first timber frame newbuild Miller and Carter completed last year in Aylesbury, a second version of this template was recently completed by Mitchells and Butlers.

Located in a suburban site in Killingworth, a town north of Newcastle upon Tyne, the restaurant serves a new residential area of the town. Located on a prominent site facing the A189 the land was formerly part of White House Farm, now known as Gosforth Park, with an adjacent Bellway Homes development at Moorfields.Built in under six months from start to handover the striking design is reinforced by a building form that echoes traditional forms while introducing contemporary glazed gables and a crisp palette of materials featuring black stained timber, brick, cedar, slate and clay tiles.

Allison Pike acted as contract administrator, design coordinator and the principal contractor was Medlock FRB.The Miller & Carter Steakhouse is a distinctive brand with a dining emphasis. Brand designers are Design Coalition. Interior theming is strongly centred around the steak offering and uses bold colours to create a dynamic ambiance. The layout seats over 200 in a mix of bar and restaurant covers, with additional external terraced seating linked to both areas.

M&C Gosforth Park

Medlock FRB

Mitchells and Butlers

